QR Maker App

This's the python code that is the small app to make the text into QRcode :)

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Small Website To Calculate The Grade

My first single-page website that can calculate four term grade into the GPA

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"IOS App" Circle Finder

I made the app for IOS to calculate and find the area of circle :)

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Text To Speech For Android App

This app is for android and it can read the text , Powered By MIT Inventor

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Prime Number Checker

This project can check the number
, Is the prime number or not.

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Web Scraping

This's the code that can scraping the website for the education purpose only!

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Guessing Color Game

The guessing color game that based on
javascript in the HTML site.

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Basic Data Analytic

I made the simple data analytic code to analyze the basic of the data via CSV file 

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IP Camera > Apple Homekit

This project is usuful article to import the
IP Camera into the Apple Homekit System.

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